612 research outputs found

    Residential Property Prices in a Sub-Market of South Africa: Separating Real Growth from Attribute Growth

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    This paper analyses the South African residential housing market using hedonic price theory. It builds and tests pooled OLS, fixed effects OLS, pseudo-panel and quantile regression models. The main findings are in agreement with most modern related literature. This paper highlights how house price growth rates have been calculated incorrectly due to the changing aggregate house sold every year. It calculates more accurate growth rates for the property market, yielding surprisingly different growth patterns from those originally thought. It illustrates that much of the recent house price growth was caused by attribute inflation rather than pure price inflation. It also shows that most of the pure inflation occurred at the bottom end of the market while most of the attribute inflation occurred at the top end of the market. Furthermore, it shows that house price determinants change across the house price distribution The data used was sourced from the Residential Property Price Ranger and covers 1930 house sales measured half yearly over three years; from 1 September 2004 to 31 August 2007. These sales were recorded in the towns of Stellenbosch, Somerset West, Strand and Gordon’s Bay.Hedonic pricing, Housing market, Growth rates

    The Dutch language version of the Toronto structured interview for Alexithymia: reliability, concurrent validity, and factor structure

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Toronto Structured Interview for Alexithymia (TSIA) in a clinical sample. The TSIA and the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) were administered to 85 psychiatric inpatients and to 76 medical outpatients with the symptom of tinnitus. Both internal and inter-rater reliability were acceptable. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the hierarchical, 4-factor structure with 4 lower-order factors nested within 2 higher-order latent factors, previously obtained with English, German, and Italian versions. Concurrent validity was supported by significant correlations between the TSIA and the TAS-20 total scores although there were some differences between the psychiatric subsample and the medical subsample. While further studies are needed to assess the convergent and discriminant validity of the TSIA, the results support its use as a measure of alexithymia

    Developing a new understanding of enabling health and wellbeing in Europe: harmonising health and social care delivery and informatics support to ensure holistic care

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    Europe faces significant challenges to its health and care services due to demographic change, being at the beginning of a large and continuing rise in the number and proportion of older citizens, while advances in healthcare mean that an increasing number of these and other adults will have enduring chronic health conditions. But for all citizens with actual or potential health problems, the maintenance of optimal health depends not just on healthcare services, but on support for nutrition, hygiene, mobility and shopping, socialisation, warm dry housing and other aspects of daily living, as without these health will be compromised and deteriorate. This demand surge is happening at a time when Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are increasingly being used in other service sectors to enable consumer customisation and better resource management. An objective for all health systems, and for patients, is to minimise hospital stays and maximise care at home, but hitherto the practical need to observe the patient's state of health has extended hospital stays. Similarly there is a drive to minimise for quality of life and economic reasons admission to long-term institutional care and instead extend support to enable living at home. Traditionally any support needed by an individual has normally been provided by family members, often assisted by the local community, while social services have been the fall back provider when the family cannot support, either by direct provision or by mobilising specific services such as delivered hot meals. Housing agencies and other bodies have also had an important role. However, other demographic changes are significantly reducing the capacity of families to provide daily ongoing support. This means that health services are increasingly providing long-term monitoring and support to those living with chronic disease and frailty, while social services are increasingly needed to provide ongoing support. Many individual citizens are necessarily in receipt of both health and social care support, yet in all but a very few European countries these services are provided quite independently one from another, with minimal day to day liaison. A number of drivers for change are now necessitating significant change, and the social sciences have a key role to play in enabling successful progress. At a macro level, across Europe the combination of the economic downturn and the demographic-led increase in demand means that health and social care services are under ever increasing pressures, while constant growth of services is not affordable nor will the labour market support ever continuing expansion. This paper presents the case for systematic research activity in the social sciences, at European and national levels, to further the interlinked citizen- focused objectives of:close integration at delivery level of health care and social care support of individual's health, personalisation of care delivery including reasonable accommodation of individual choice, ensuring effective use of ICT applications based on user acceptability, bringing processes of consent, delegation, representation, coordination and privacy into the electronic era, ensuring respect for and teamwork with formal carers and the informal care team, ensuring equity in an electronic era regardless of digital literacy, assets and connectivity, examining stable and sustainable models of trusted infrastructure provision, establishing governance, authentication, management, and sustainability principles

    Accuracy of coverage survey recall following an integrated mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis, schistosomiasis, and soil-transmitted helminthiasis

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    Achieving target coverage levels for mass drug administration (MDA) is essential to elimination and control efforts for several neglected tropical diseases (NTD). To ensure program goals are met, coverage reported by drug distributors may be validated through household coverage surveys that rely on respondent recall. This is the first study to assess accuracy in such surveys.Recall accuracy was tested in a series of coverage surveys conducted at 1, 6, and 12 months after an integrated MDA in Togo during which three drugs (albendazole, ivermectin, and praziquantel) were distributed. Drug distribution was observed during the MDA to ensure accurate recording of persons treated during the MDA. Information was obtained for 506, 1131, and 947 persons surveyed at 1, 6, and 12 months, respectively. Coverage (defined as the percentage of persons taking at least one of the MDA medications) within these groups was respectively 88.3%, 87.4%, and 80.0%, according to the treatment registers; it was 87.9%, 91.4% and 89.4%, according to survey responses. Concordance between respondents and registers on swallowing at least one pill was >95% at 1 month and >86% at 12 months; the lower concordance at 12 months was more likely due to difficulty matching survey respondents with the year-old treatment register rather than inaccurate responses. Respondents generally distinguished between pills similar in appearance; concordance for recall of which pills were taken was over 80% in each survey.In this population, coverage surveys provided remarkably consistent coverage estimates for up to one year following an integrated MDA. It is not clear if similar consistency will be seen in other settings, however, these data suggest that in some settings coverage surveys might be conducted as much as one year following an MDA without compromising results. This might enable integration of post-MDA coverage measurement into large, multipurpose, periodic surveys, thereby conserving resources

    New insight into the causes, consequences, and correction of hematopoietic stem cell aging

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    Aging of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is characterized by lineage bias, increased clonal expansion, and functional decrease. At the molecular level, aged HSCs typically display metabolic dysregulation, upregulation of inflammatory pathways, and downregulation of DNA repair pathways. Cellular aging of HSCs, driven by cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors, causes a predisposition to anemia, adaptive immune compromise, myelodys, plasia, and malignancy. Most hematologic diseases are strongly associated with age. But what is the biological foundation for decreased fitness with age? And are there therapeutic windows to resolve age-related hematopoietic decline? These questions were the focus of the International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH) New Investigator Committee Fall 2022 Webinar. This review touches on the latest insights from two leading laboratories into inflammatory- and niche-driven stem cell aging and includes speculation on strategies to prevent or correct age-related decline in HSC function

    Evolution of the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins with a disulfide bond between gp120 and gp41

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    BACKGROUND: We previously described the construction of an HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein complex (Env) that is stabilized by an engineered intermolecular disulfide bond (SOS) between gp120 and gp41. The modified Env protein antigenically mimics the functional wild-type Env complex. Here, we explore the effects of the covalent gp120 – gp41 interaction on virus replication and evolution. RESULTS: An HIV-1 molecular clone containing the SOS Env gene was only minimally replication competent, suggesting that the engineered disulfide bond substantially impaired Env function. However, virus evolution occurred in cell culture infections, and it eventually always led to elimination of the intermolecular disulfide bond. In the course of these evolution studies, we identified additional and unusual second-site reversions within gp41. CONCLUSIONS: These evolution paths highlight residues that play an important role in the interaction between gp120 and gp41. Furthermore, our results suggest that a covalent gp120 – gp41 interaction is incompatible with HIV-1 Env function, probably because this impedes conformational changes that are necessary for fusion to occur, which may involve the complete dissociation of gp120 from gp41

    Human rights violations in organ procurement practice in China

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    Over 90% of the organs transplanted in China before 2010 were procured from prisoners. Although Chinese officials announced in December 2014 that the country would completely cease using organs harvested from prisoners, no regulatory adjustments or changes in China’s organ donation laws followed. As a result, the use of prisoner organs remains legal in China if consent is obtained

    Use of metformin and outcome of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: Pooled analysis

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    Metformin has been linked to improve survival of patients with various cancers. There is little information on survival of glioblastoma patients after use of metformin. We assessed the association between metformin use and survival in a pooled analysis of patient data from 1,731 individuals from the randomized AVAglio, CENTRIC and CORE trials. We performed multivariate Cox analyses for overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) comparing patients' use of metformin at baseline and/or during concomitant radiochemotherapy (TMZ/RT). Further exploratory analyses investigated the effect of metformin with a history of diabetes and nonfasting glucose levels in relation to OS or PFS of glioblastoma patients. Metformin alone or in any combination was not significantly associated with OS or PFS (at baseline, hazard ratio [HR] for OS = 0.87; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.65-1.16; HR for PFS = 0.84; 95% CI = 0.64-1.10; during TMZ/RT HR for OS = 0.97; 95% CI = 0.68-1.38; HR for PFS = 1.02; 95% CI = 0.74-1.41). We found a statistically nonsignificant association of metformin monotherapy with glioblastoma survival at baseline (HR for OS = 0.68; 95% CI = 0.42-1.10; HR for PFS = 0.57; 95% CI = 0.36-0.91), but not during the TMZ/RT period (HR for OS = 0.90; 95% CI = 0.51-1.56; HR for PFS = 1.05; 95% CI = 0.64-1.73). Diabetes mellitus or increased nonfasting glucose levels were not associated with a difference in OS or PFS in our selected study population. Metformin did not prolong survival of patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma in our analysis. Additional studies may identify patients with specific tumor characteristics that are associated with potential benefit from treatment with metformin, possibly due to metabolic vulnerabilities